
多个 硬化


多发性硬化是一种影响中枢神经系统的慢性疾病, 包括大脑, spinal cord and optic nerves. 专家认为,多发性硬化症是一种由免疫系统攻击和破坏神经系统引起的自身免疫性疾病. It generally progresses gradually, with alternating periods of remission, good health and disabling flare-ups.

About 400,000 Americans, mostly young adults, suffer from MS. It occurs almost twice as frequently among women than men.

Although there is no cure, 大多数多发性硬化症患者在确诊后仍能积极生活多年,寿命正常. 但多发性硬化症会让人很累,需要调整日程和生活方式. A regular exercise program that includes walking, 游泳, stretching or riding a stationary bike can reduce some 症状. 我们的物理治疗师和工作人员可以通过提高您的行走能力来帮助您学会应对您的状况, 平衡, range of motion and stamina.

Causes of 多个 硬化

多个 sclerosis damages the outer covering of nerve cells, 称为髓鞘, 一种保护神经细胞的脂肪组织,就像绝缘保护房子里的电线一样. 髓磷脂帮助神经纤维向大脑传导电脉冲. 当多个髓磷脂区域受损时,被称为硬化的疤痕组织就会累积起来. These damaged areas are known as plaques or lesions. Sometimes the nerve fiber itself is damaged and dies.

The exact cause of MS is not known, but factors such as disease, 毒药、药物或酒精滥用会损害儿童和成人的髓鞘. Heredity may contribute to the development of MS. 约5%的患者有兄弟姐妹患有多发性硬化症,约15%的患者有近亲患有多发性硬化症.

When MS damages the protective myelin sheath of nerve cells, 神经鞘有时会自我修复,神经又能正常工作了. 在其他情况下,髓磷脂受损严重,导致底层神经无法修复而死亡.

Our Approach to 多个 硬化

我们的使命是帮助多发性硬化症(MS)患者享受长寿和积极的生活. We create tailored treatment plans to relieve 症状, reduce the severity and duration of MS attacks, and halt or slow progression of the disease. 我们的患者也可能有机会十大赌博靠谱网络平台正在开发和测试新的MS治疗方法的研究. As part of our comprehensive care, 我们提供物理和职业治疗,以帮助患者的日常生活.

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迹象 & 症状

多发性硬化症的症状取决于哪条特定的神经纤维通路受损. 刺痛, 麻木, 当脊髓中的髓磷脂受损时,可能会产生紧绷或无力的感觉. 如果膀胱的神经纤维受到影响,可能会发生尿失禁. 同样的, 大脑小脑部分的损伤可能导致不平衡或缺乏协调. MS patients can have a wide range of 症状, 这取决于中枢神经系统的损伤部位.

因为多发性硬化症会在不同的人身上引起各种各样的症状, doctors often struggle to diagnose the disease. 然而, 多发性硬化症的常见症状包括感觉或感觉症状的改变,如刺痛和麻木, 肌肉功能或运动症状的改变,如行走困难, 僵硬或震颤.

Some common 症状 are:

  • Clumsiness or weakness
  • Difficulty walking or maintaining 平衡
  • 头晕或眩晕
  • Eye problems such as double vision or uncontrolled eye movements
  • 乏力
  • 肌肉痉挛
  • Problems with bladder or bowel control
  • 刚度
  • 震动
  • 刺痛或麻木
  • Depression or emotional changes
  • Mild intellectual change such as memory problems
  • Sexual problems such as difficulty reaching orgasm, lack of vaginal sensation or erectile dysfunction

Symptoms usually appear in people between 20 and 40 years of age.


When considering a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会对你的症状特别感兴趣, when they started and how they've eased or progressed over time.

你的诊断也将基于身体检查和测试. These tests may include:

  • Blood and urine tests to help rule out other possible disorders
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) to measure electrical activity in the heart
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to look for abnormalities in the brain
  • 腰椎穿刺 或进行脊髓穿刺,以确定脑脊液是否有异常, 这是多发性硬化症的征兆之一
  • 诱发电位测试,记录神经受到刺激时大脑中的电活动

可以模拟多发性硬化症的医疗十大赌博靠谱网络平台包括代谢或维生素缺乏, 不寻常的感染, inflammation of the blood vessels of the brain, 神经系统的退化性疾病或已经扩散到脑部的癌症. This is why blood tests, x射线, 脑部和脊柱核磁共振成像, 在确定诊断多发性硬化症之前,可能需要进行脊髓穿刺来分析脑脊液.



Your neurology team at UCSF Medical Center, along with your primary care physician, will design a treatment plan tailored to your medical condition, state of health and individual needs. You may need more than one kind of treatment, 或者需要多次访问多发性硬化症中心的治疗. 此外,您可能会被转介给其他十大赌博平台排行榜或卫生专业人员.


  • Treatment that reduces the severity and duration of attacks
  • 治疗以治愈或消除MS在体内的生物活性
  • 治疗各种症状,如尿失禁,视力障碍或疲劳
  • Treatment that repairs damage caused by MS

治疗 may involve some risks or complications, which will be fully explained to you by your neurologist.

治疗 may include one of many medications such as:

  • β干扰素 这是一种帮助对抗病毒感染和调节免疫系统的药物
  • Glatiramer醋酸 十大赌博平台排行榜认为这种药物可以阻断免疫系统对髓磷脂的攻击
  • Immunosuppressive drugs Drugs to suppress or control the immune system

其他药物也可以用来治疗或控制抑郁等症状, 乏力, 疼痛, 痉挛和颤抖. 治疗方案和服务可能包括锻炼和物理治疗, 帮助你在日常生活中保持独立性的职业疗法, 减少压力.

许多新疗法, such as the use of statins or cholesterol-lowering drugs, are being developed and tested. 在多发性硬化症中心接受评估的患者有机会十大赌博靠谱网络平台这些新疗法的研究.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.


Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle with 多个 硬化

学习如何与多发性硬化症(MS)保持健康的生活方式,包括锻炼的技巧, 减压, 营养, 补品及其他.

多个 硬化 Glossary

使用这个多发性硬化症(MS)词汇表可以更好地理解一些更深奥的术语,包括, 共济失调, 丙种球蛋白, 鞘内或更多.

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