在加州大学旧金山分校, we strive to maintain a safe, 为所有患者及其家属提供尊重和支持的环境. 下面,你会发现关于你作为病人的权利和责任的信息.


UCSF recognizes the following rights for all patients:

You have the right to dignity and respect.


  • The right to respect for your cultural, 社会心理, spiritual and personal values, beliefs and preferences.
  • The right to a safe health care setting – free from mental, 口头, physical or sexual abuse; neglect; exploitation; and harassment.
  • The right to access protective and advocacy services, 包括通知政府机构忽视或虐待的权利.
  • The right to receive appropriate pain management, as well as information about pain and pain relief measures, and the right to participate in pain management decisions.
  • 不受作为胁迫手段的任何形式的限制或隔离的权利, 纪律, convenience or retaliation by staff.

You have the right to information.


  • 有权以您能够理解的方式获得有关您的诊断的信息, 治疗, expected treatment outcomes and less likely outcomes, and prospects for recovery.
  • 有权要求医疗口译服务,如果需要,免费给你.
  • 有权知道对协调你的护理负有主要责任的卫生保健提供者的姓名, 以及其他医护人员的姓名和专业关系.

You have the right to participate.


  • 积极十大赌博靠谱网络平台制定和实施治疗计划的权利.
  • 有权作出护理决定并获得有关任何拟议治疗或程序的信息,以便知情同意或拒绝某一疗程.
  • 十大赌博靠谱网络平台治疗过程中出现的伦理问题的权利, including issues of conflict resolution, withholding resuscitative services, and forgoing or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment. 要咨询伦理委员会成员,请咨询你的护士或十大赌博平台排行榜.
  • 有权拒绝治疗和不顾医疗保健提供者的建议离开加州大学旧金山分校, to the extent permitted by law.
  • 对拒绝护理和治疗的请求得到合理答复的权利, in accordance with laws and regulations.
  • 有权让十大赌博平台排行榜处理你的临终决定和愿望.

You have the right to privacy.


  • 有权被告知任何个人出现的原因.
  • 在检查前和讨论治疗问题时,有权让不十大赌博靠谱网络平台医疗保健的工作人员休假.
  • The right to restrict non-UCSF visitors.
  • 有权对与您的护理和住院有关的所有通信和记录进行保密处理, to the extent required by law.

You have the right to raise concerns and make complaints.


  • 有权对您在加州大学旧金山分校获得的护理表达担忧或投诉,并保证我们的护理质量或将来获得我们的护理不会受到损害.
  • 期望对您的关切得到合理和及时的回应的权利.

我们鼓励您在服务时与工作人员或部门经理立即提出任何问题, so that we can respond quickly. 您也可以向我们的患者关系团队或外部机构提交投诉或其他反馈. For more information on submitting a complaint, visit Patient Relations.