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Mark Terrelonge Jr.


Patient advocate, philosopher, educator and creator

About me

Dr. Mark Terrelonge Jr. 神经科十大赌博平台排行榜会照顾神经和肌肉紊乱的病人吗, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); inflammatory nerve diseases, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; genetic muscle and nerve disorders; and disorders of the neuromuscular junction, such as myasthenia gravis.

At the UCSF School of Medicine, Terrelonge是神经病学住院医师项目的助理主任,也是神经肌肉疾病相关虚弱的讲师. 其他的努力包括为居住在北加州和夏威夷农村地区的ALS患者或其他神经肌肉疾病患者开发卫星诊所. 他还在设计一个蓝图,在美国和国外建立多学科的ALS诊所,利用远程医疗为更多的人提供亚专业的神经学服务. At Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, 他正在开设一家专科诊所,为该地区服务不足的患者提供神经系统护理.

在哈佛大学获得神经生物学学士学位后, Terrelonge在哥伦比亚大学梅尔曼公共卫生学院获得了公共卫生硕士学位. 他在斯坦福大学医学院获得医学学位,并在加州大学旧金山分校完成了神经病学实习, serving as chief resident. He also completed a fellowship in neuromuscular medicine at UCSF. During his training at UCSF, 他获得了珍爱的管家教学优等奖,并入选Alpha Omega Alpha荣誉医学协会. He is a John A. Watson Faculty Scholar at UCSF.

  • Education

    Stanford Medicine, MD, 2015

  • Residencies

    UCSF, Neurology, 2019

  • Fellowships

    UCSF, Neuromuscular Medicine, 2020

  • Board Certifications

    Neurology, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

    Neuromuscular Medicine, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

  • Academic Title

    Assistant Professor

Every patient has a story, and that story deserves to be heard.

Where I see patients (2)

    My reviews


    Overall Experience
    198 Ratings
    About our process
    Nov 28, 2023
    Kind friendly courteous and calm
    Nov 17, 2023
    Dr. Terrelonge的友好治疗和支持帮助我恢复了一些基本的肌肉力量.
    Oct 03, 2023
    I felt genuine care for my healing. That he was incredibly knowledgeable and kind.
    Oct 03, 2023
    Doctor was very thorough and knowledgeable.
    Sep 25, 2023
    Terrelonge十大赌博平台排行榜是一位才华横溢、富有同情心、非常敏感的临床十大赌博平台排行榜. Ucsf patients are so fortunate that he is working there.
    Sep 09, 2023
    Dr. Terrelonge非常擅长阅读非语言暗示,以表达同情和权威,所以我总是相信他听到了我的声音,并且正在采取措施改善我的处境.
    Aug 22, 2023
    Jul 20, 2023
    我很恶心,病得很重,十大赌博平台排行榜不得不不停地停下来让我去厕所或呕吐,但她是如此善良和关心地帮助我度过了这一切. PLEASE THANK HER FOR ME!!!
    Jun 11, 2023
    Had a quick conversation with Dr. Terrelonge after he called me with an appointment question. He is wonderful and I feel so lucky to have him as my physician.
    Jun 07, 2023
    May 18, 2023
    May 15, 2023
    Dr. 特雷隆是一位非常彻底、恭敬的老师,也是一位伟大的老师. My husband and I were very impressed with him.
    Apr 30, 2023
    Apr 23, 2023
    He is very busy and this comes across. I do not feel the reason for my appointment was believed.
    Apr 21, 2023
    Dr Terrelonge is absolutely wonderful. 他听着,表现出关心和关心,帮助找到一个复杂的诊断.
    Apr 19, 2023
    He was very thorough
    Apr 13, 2023
    Apr 12, 2023
    Awesome doctor! 对他的方法和调查非常满意,在谈话中移情表现出清晰. Trust him.
    Apr 01, 2023
    Very smart compassionate thorough documentation and follow-up
    Mar 30, 2023
    Was impressed by Dr. Terrelonge's seriousness and focus in his assessment of my condition.I understood that he is working on a diagnosis and care.
    Mar 07, 2023
    Feb 11, 2023
    Dr. Terrelonge是一个很棒的十大赌博平台排行榜,他真的很关心他的病人.
    Jan 29, 2023
    Jan 25, 2023
    Terrelonge博士解释细节非常清楚,花时间思考并彻底回答我的问题. I'm also very clear on what I need to do between visits. He is also excellent at communicating through My Chart.
    Dec 11, 2022
    We love Dr. Terrelonge
    Oct 10, 2022
    Dr. 和Terrelonge一起工作很愉快——当我需要的时候,他会倾听并扩展他给我的信息. I highly recommend him!
    Oct 05, 2022
    Dr. 因为我们开了很长的路,特雷隆奇特意为我们安排了方便. He was very personable and caring. Immediately felt at ease and comfortable. Overall very happy with my experience.
    Sep 11, 2022
    Sep 03, 2022
    Aug 19, 2022
    Dr. Mark Terrelonge was so thoughtful and thorough. 他花了很多时间和我解释测试结果、可能的治疗方案和进一步的测试.
    Jul 13, 2022
    Dr. Was very informative and listened to what I had to say.
    Jul 12, 2022
    The care provider made me feel like I was a human being that mattered.
    Jun 10, 2022
    Dr. T was very thorough and listened to my concerns.
    Jun 06, 2022
    May 30, 2022
    Apr 21, 2022
    Dr. Terrelonge是非常周到的,并试图获得所有的信息,我的情况.
    Apr 19, 2022
    Apr 12, 2022
    Brilliant compassionate doctor

    Selected research
